We are teaming up with Max Borders, author of The Decentralist: Mission, Morality, and Meaning in the Age of Crypto and executive director of Social Evolution, and Yaakov Markel, founder of AnarchoVegas, to launch a brand new initiative at FreedomFest this year. Our mission is to reframe the fight for freedom as an innovative enterprise.

The most powerful elites in the world benefit from keeping the system the way it is. We’ll beat them by building something better. We’ll liberate people by finding new ways to serve them. If ride-sharing apps could break up the taxi cartels and cryptocurrencies can break up the money cartels, what other markets can be liberated?

Main Stage Keynote

How Subversive Innovators Protect Freedom

Max Borders

Author of After Collapse and The Social Singularity


Startup Nations - Anti-Authoritarian Media - biohacking & human upgrades - Medical Subversion

cryptocurrencies & decentralized governance

Liberation Technology

David Veksler The Bitcoin Consultancy – Cory Klippsten Swan Bitcoin – Brian Robertson (mod.) Holacracy

self-organizing business & emergent community​

Fire all the bosses

Chris Rufer Morning Star Self-Management –  Brian Robertson Holacracy

The Real Future of Education

Entrepreneurs Against Government Monopolies

Michael Strong (mod.) The Socratic Experience – Kerry McDonald Foundation for Economic Education – Leigh Bortins  Classical Conversations – Linsey Knerl – Homeschool Hacks

liberty's limits in grey markets

taboo industries

Max More Cryonics – Kaytlin Bailey Online Sex Work – Mac Davis Gene Therapy – Brian Robertson Psychadelics
Avens O’Brien Psychadelics (mod.)

Join us on this new front. Join us at the Subversion Summit.